Herzlich willkommen, bienvenido & welcome!
My name is Gabriela and I am a real language lover who likes teaching and learning new things.
I am a professional language teacher, speech and language therapist, and a business voice and communication coach. I love successful interaction and very much enjoy working with people.
As individuals we are all different, and therefore require different approaches and strategies when it comes to language learning. I take great care in combining diverse methods and teaching tools to ensure maximum time efficiency and excellent results.
"In order to be effective, learning needs to be fun!"
So let´s have fun learning German :-)!
A first impression
De forma corta y concisa
"El arte del lenguaje consiste en ser entendido, o mejor, en hacerse entender."
Filología alemana y romana
Estudios de la pedagogía teatral
Numerosos perfeccionamientos en las áreas de la adquisición del lenguaje, metodología del aprendizaje, comunicación, presencia & voz
Concedo gran importancia
Atmósfera confidencial
Concepto del aprendizaje personalizado y adaptado
Trato honrado
Trabajo orientado a los recursos
Metodología con fundamento científico
Gestión de cualidad & competencia